The Art In What You Do Holds The Magic of Hypnosis! Teaching Clients Self-Hypnosis.

      A big part of what I do is assist people in discovering their own resources. I am not some oracle of wisdom bestowing divine direction in life for anyone. I can’t be, I only am able to do that for myself just as each individual can only discover that for themselves. Not […]

Regulating Colleges (Counselling) in BC, Canada

On August 23rd, 2020 the BC Government announced that it would be overhauling the 20 Colleges under the Health Protections Act. The intent is to reduce the 20 current Colleges to 6. This move is based on the recommendations of the Cayton report.  Learn More about the Cayton Report and the restructuring. What does this mean for […]

You Can Be: A Celebration of Teaching, Learning, and Healing.

There is a lovely poem shared in the book “The Art of Therapeutic  Communication. The Collected works of Kay F. Thompson” that expresses beautifully what therapy and teaching can mean. It was initially shared among Milton Erickson’s students. I can’t think of a better tribute to what therapy can mean than this exquisite prose. The […]